Monday, March 19, 2007

Finally a break!

It's been so nice to have Ryan around. We have been very busy, and he has been working (he is at work right now) but it's a different pace than when he is in classes. Today we got our hair cut in Urbana. The stylists were happy to have us there; with Spring Break right now they are very bored since their clients are the U of I students.

We just got back from the Chicago area yesterday. We saw Tom, Laura, Hadley, and Kassy Wells, as well as Katie Ferguson, when we were in the city on Saturday. Then yesterday we got to have lunch with family, though my parents and Emily were out of town. Here is a picture of Stephen with two of his pals: Great-Grandma Lindstrom and Great-Aunt Sherry.

The next few days we are trying to accomplish a lot, going to Peoria, Bloomington, and Davenport. We're trying to work it out so that we're efficient with our driving time!

Well, I better go. Stephen has backed himself up across the room ...

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