oh here we go it's that colored seat again! oh fun flap my arms wildly mommy's here and look there's daddy! they have lots of neat stuff in front of their faces. mmm rice cake piece. i will grab that with my hand and then shove my fist in my mouth. oops it fell down but mom will put it in my mouth for me wow!!! the fan!!! if i just look up i can watch it go around and around and around but then whoa! there's a banana piece in front of my face now. it's gooey. i like to slap my hands on it again and again and again and move it to the floor so now i will lean over and grind my teeth on the table. it's not food and daddy doesn't like it when i do it. so they figure out some more food to give me. for the sake of my bowels they make sure i have apple juice when i eat bananas so here is a blue cup with a little apple juice in it. i really like to put my hand in it but mommy doesn't let me. she holds it but i help and i get most of it in my mouth; a little on my bib; a little on the table. oh there is that fan again!! i will watch it while mommy and daddy finish eating and then i'll want some more rice cake. sometimes i scare mommy and daddy by acting like i'm choking but really it's just my gag reflex. i wouldn't choke on the tiny pieces they give me. mommy says something about cleaning me up - what? i'm dirty? - so she brings over a wet washcloth. she wipes me and that's fine but i really like holding onto the rag afterwards and putting it in my mouth. and that is dinner at our house!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Nice Weather!

These pictures are
1. Stephen on Saturday with my mom
2. me in 1978 with my dad ... same back carrier
Last night we had a visit from André, Rede, Foster, and Porter Drost. They arrived late last night and the boys had to go right to bed. Stephen was wired, having taken an evening nap. So he stayed up while we talked for awhile. They are en route to DC for Candy's sister's wedding. Candy flew there.
Stephen is 9 months old today! It's hard to get an accurate measurement on his height; I still think he's hovering right around 30 inches. I got 28 pounds on the scale - with his clothes on. He is playing by himself very well. He wants to be know Ryan or I are around, but he's generally pretty happy on his piano or playing with his blocks. He's become quite a wiggler at night.
Ryan is working tonight after having a full day with both of his lessons (jazz and classical), his morning Bible study, and a paper due at 10, for which he was up some of the night.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Day by the Mississippi
Stephen really did great in the car. He slept almost the entire way back. He had hardly napped during the day because we had so much going on!
We're trying to figure out what the summer will look like. Ryan has one week of work in Des Moines. But other than that he will need to find some local work, or we've even toyed with living in Plainfield or Des Moines for a month or so if that's where the work would be. Anyone with an idea please let us know!
In other news, our friends Mark and Sue just had a baby girl 2 days ago (on Ryan's grandma's birthday). Maria Mae and mom are doing well!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
our son is crying ...
... because Ryan was singing "old mcdonald" and said he had a pavarotti. the operatic sounds were just too overwhelming.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Finally a break!
We just got back from the Chicago area yesterday. We saw Tom, Laura, Hadley, and Kassy Wells, as well as Katie Ferguson, when we were in the city on Saturday. Then yesterday we got to have lunch with family, though my parents and Emily were out of town. Here is a picture of Stephen with two of his pals: Great-Grandma Lindstrom and Great-Aunt Sherry.
The next few days we are trying to accomplish a lot, going to Peoria, Bloomington, and Davenport. We're trying to work it out so that we're efficient with our driving time!
Well, I better go. Stephen has backed himself up across the room ...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
My husband is having entirely too much fun doing his homework.
His assignment? To watch Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Stephen and I ventured around the Engineering Open House on the U of I campus today with our friends Susan and Nathaniel. It was beautiful outside and Stephen seemed to really enjoy being in the stroller. I liked the fresh air, too! We rode the bus in with Ryan this morning and saw some of our friends at a coffee shop on campus. Then we met up with Ryan again after his day at school and we're back home now.
The Caterpillar rep who took our picture works at the proving grounds in Peoria that were right across the street from the house I grew up in. He was pretty surprised that I knew the area he was talking about.
It's salmon for dinner and a quiet evening here.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Stephen, Ryan, and I enjoyed a visit from my parents just now. In fact, this post will beat them back to the Chicago area.
The pear sauce went over pretty well again tonight.
And the weather was SO NICE that we took a walk OUTSIDE!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Mmm pears
I enjoyed a women's tea this morning - it was nice to sit and visit for awhile. The week has been pretty busy with a new book to work on and Ryan's schedule being very packed.
Stephen is supposed to be in bed but he woke up and now Ryan is singing to him. It has a calming effect.
Tomorrow we have a La Leche League potluck.
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