Last week we had quite a snowstorm here in Champaign. Public schools were canceled, but the U of I still had classes so off to school went Ryan. He even managed to get us shoveled out before he left in the morning. The residential streets were pretty snowy and I even had trouble getting back home from our morning get-together because other cars were stuck in the middle of the roads. Our Oldsmobile plowed right through, though.
I didn't want to get Stephen a snowsuit for this winter because I didn't imagine he'd play out in the snow very much. Next winter we will for sure, but he'll be a different size by then. But with all this snow in our yard I wanted him to experience it a little bit. His mittens are warm, but not waterproof, so I had to be a little creative. I put plastic bags on his hands and feet, attaching them with rubber bands.
He didn't get too cold or wet, but playing in the snow wasn't his idea of fun, either. First of all, when we go outside, it's either to get in the car or the stroller, not to play in the front yard. I think the deep powdery white stuff just scared him, too. He did laugh a little when I picked some snow up and threw it, and when we shook some off the bush in front of the house. I guess we'll try again next time, but I don't think it's quite his thing yet.
The weekend was pretty low-key, with Ryan working a limo job and some stage crew on campus. I went swimming for the 2nd time (I need to get in shape for labor!) on Sunday afternoon and it went really well. I did 12 laps, whereas on Thursday morning 8 was about all I could muster up. When I was pregnant with Stephen I did 16 laps (1/2 mile) each time I went to the pool. I did that about 3 times a week, including the afternoon before he was born! I credit the swimming with my ability to maintain strong, abdominal breathing for 16 hours ...
Last night we went to Nathan and Jenn's to watch the Superbowl. I wasn't feeling well, but I chalked it up to swimming and then not getting anything to eat for a couple hours. I sat on the couch for most of the first half of the game, getting up from time to time to go to the bathroom. The chili, which I normally like eating, didn't seem appetizing at all. Just after halftime, I threw up everything that I'd ingested for the past 5 or 6 hours, causing us to need to leave. My dear husband took care of getting Stephen ready for bed and put him down while I rested. I had to get up to place an order that was due today, but I pretty much slept from 9 p.m. until 8 this morning. And then slept during Stephen's nap this afternoon. Ryan had offered to stay home from school most of the day but I didn't need him to. I'm just pretty tired and ready to call it a night already!
1 comment:
sorry - what a not fun evening! Glad you were able to sleep. If it helps, we didn't watch either (kickoff was at midnight).
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