Friday, April 20, 2007

Happy TENTH Birthday, David Weeks!

David is 10! I called to wish him a happy birthday yesterday and he just seemed so grown up! We talked about what they are doing out in California. I also had brief conversations with Elijah, Noah, and Joshua.

Here are some of my favorite Davidisms:
"Why do you have no hair under here?" -said as he sat on a man's shoulders and looked under his hat
"No way, Hozey Wozey!" -his own version of "No way José"
"Liberty History Farms" -you'd have to have been to Des Moines to guess this one
"Mom, I want to go hear the water pumps!" -he meant that he wanted to listen to the bagpipes that practiced in our parking lot
"No, you have to do 2 scoops!"

Auntie Em is going to be here soon and Ryan and I will be able to go out to dinner. First time in a LONG time! I am also finishing up a math book and getting ready for a set of performances with the Peoria Symphony.

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