We had a wonderful weekend here in town. My sister Emily came and joined us. It was nice of her to help, although I don't think we really had to convince her to sit around and cuddle with our son! Friday we enjoyed an evening at home and Emily showed up after we'd finished dinner.
We had a nice slow start on Saturday morning and had waffles for breakfast. Ryan then went to a recital on campus and Emily and I did some grocery shopping. It figures that when I do have help that Stephen would really cooperate at the grocery store ... it was when I was all alone last week trying to do it that he screamed ... and screamed ... and screamed ...
We enjoyed a homemade pizza for a late lunch and then really attacked some more unpacking. Although we did fairly well packing and labelling boxes, we did throw some random items in boxes where they didn't belong - thus inducing some lengthy searches once we got here. If you ever need to know where the telephone cords are, look in a box labelled "mommy's shoes." The diapers will be in the box with the breast pump accessories.
We really twisted Emily's arm and talked her into watching Stephen for the evening so Ryan and I could go out to celebrate our anniversary. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner downtown Champaign at a place called Radio Maria. Then we went to Wal-Mart. I guess we aren't newlyweds anymore :).
Heidi showed up at our house while we were gone and she and Em took Stephen to the custard place down the street. After we got back, Ryan and Emily stayed up to watch a movie, and I got a few hours of sleep, knowing that I'd be up with Stephen during the night. Which I was. But I can't complain. For the most part, he just gets up to eat and then goes back to sleep.
We also found out that Ryan passed the entire music theory test on Friday. It wasn't a test that he had to pass to begin school but it would tell them what aspects of the subject he still needed to work on. He was very relieved (and surprised!) to have done so well.
Today we worked on unpacking the office and the boxes of books in the living room. Uncle Gary and Aunt Judy were in town and we enjoyed dinner with them at Cracker Barrel. Emily left to go back to Plainfield, and Heidi is back at her condo. Stephen is currenly sleeping and Ryan is putting odds and ends away.
I have been amazed at what a good baby Stephen has been the past few days. He still wants to be held a fair amount, but he is generally content and happy! I really think that the busyness of the move and the constant activity was pretty hard on him. Now we are fairly calmed down and he seems to really like that ... and I appreciate a happy baby! ...
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