Before we left, we told Stephen we were going to a party. He said, "birthday!" But we said it was a saxophone party, not a birthday party. He didn't fight it at all, but happily got in the burley and we all biked over there (not a short ride; they're on the other side of town).
We enjoyed the party, especially the swing and slide they had in their backyard. And we went out in the paddleboat.
The picture from the bike trailer is after BOTH of them had slept on the way home. Stephen woke up as soon as we stopped biking but Abby was a little more sleepy.
We went to an election party in 2004 and TB kept asking "where are the party hats" and was really angry that they didn't have them :)
I love how conked out Abby is in that last pic. Like she is really concentrating on sleeping. We have to be careful to call grown-up parties a BBQ or something or our Abbey gets really bent out of shape.
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