Many of my readers are on facebook and would have seen plenty about Abby's 1st birthday. But for the sake of those who aren't, here's a quick rundown.
For Stephen's sake, we needed to have a party. And Grandma Leatherman was in town, so we decked the walls with streamers, baked a chocolate cake for all of the (5 adult) guests, and purchased Abby her very own cupcake from Cakes on Walnut. It even came in a cute box!!!
She enjoyed the festivities, and now has a drawer stuffed full of clothes and toys that make her brother jealous.
She's a fun kid (except when she doesn't want to go to sleep at night). She says a handful of words, unintelligible to anyone but her family. It goes a little bit like this:
"Do" means: do (she has to keep busy); dog; kitty; daddy
"Stee" means: Stephen
"Mamamamama" means: mommy; food
"shoo" means: shoe
"t" means: tent
"zhu" means: cheerio
... and that's all I can think of right now.
How often do you use a tent? How can she already have a sound for that word?
she and daddy play a game called "tent." ryan gets under a blanket and she and stephen get under there with him. so sometimes he'll get under a blanket and she'll see it; she'll go running across the room to get under it with him, saying "t t t t t t t" all the way there
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