This whole summer has really been packed full of new experiences. And, like most parents, I'm enjoying discovering the world through Stephen's eyes. The most simple activities delight him. In the above photo, he was picking up dirt, watching it fall through his fingers and letting the wind take it. He did this for over half an hour on Grandpa Fay's farm, stopping only to watch the large cement trucks that drove by periodically.
This evening, he sat in the backyard at Dave and Sue's house and played with tractors in the mud. I think we're in for a lot of baths in the coming days.
We went to my cousin's wedding in Omaha this weekend. While he didn't attend the actual ceremony, he loved being with many of his relatives. My dad and his twin brother enjoying hearing him calling both of them "grandpa."
Ryan and I enjoyed taking Abby in the pool for her first swim. Had the water been a little warmer, I think she would have actually liked it.
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